गुरुर्बन्धुरबन्धूनां गुरुश्चक्षुरचक्षुषां ।
गुरुः पिता च माता च सर्वेषां न्यायवर्तिनां ॥
"The teacher is kin to those who don't have any relatives; the teacher is an eye for the blind. The teacher is father and mother to everyone who lives on the path of justice."
गुरुः पिता च माता च सर्वेषां न्यायवर्तिनां ॥
"The teacher is kin to those who don't have any relatives; the teacher is an eye for the blind. The teacher is father and mother to everyone who lives on the path of justice."
पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वं न चापि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम्।
सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरद्भजन्ते मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः॥
Everything is not good simply because it is old; nor a poem should be condemned simply because it is new; the wise resort to the one or the other after (proper) examination; (only) a fool has his mind led by the judgement of another.
को लाभो गुणिसंगम: किमसुखं प्राज्ञेतरै: संगति: का हानि: समयच्युतिर्निपुणता का धर्मतत्त्वे रति:।
क: शूरो विजितेन्द्रिय: प्रियतमा कानुव्रता किं धनं विद्या किं सुखमप्रवासगमनं राज्यं किमाज्ञाफलम्॥
What is a gain? It is the companionship of the virtuous. What is grief? It is the company of fools. What is loss? It is the dissipation of time. What is prudence? It is devotion to virtue. What is velour? It is the conquest of the senses. Who is the beloved wife? One who is devoted to her husband. What is wealth? It is knowledge. What is happiness? It is to remain settled in one's own country. What is ruler ship? It is to command obedience.
विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् ।
पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥
Knowledge gives discipline, from discipline comes worthiness, from worthiness one gets wealth, from wealth (one does) good deeds, from that (comes) joy.
विद्या नाम नरस्य रुपमधिकं प्रच्छन्नगुप्तं धनं
विद्या भोगकरी यशःसुखकारी विद्या गुरुणां गुरुः ।
विद्या बन्धुजनो विदेशगमने विद्या परं दैवतं
विद्या राजसु पूज्यते न हि धनं विद्याविहीनः पशुः ॥१२१॥ नीतिसूक्तिः
“Knowledge is certainly a man’s greatest beauty. It is a safe and hidden treasure.
It provides prosperity, fame and happiness. Knowledge is the teacher of all teachers.
It acts as one’s friend in a foreign country. Knowledge is the Supreme God.
It is the knowledge, not wealth, which is adored by kings. Without knowledge one remains as animal.”
स्वगृहे पूज्यते मूर्खः स्वग्रामे पूज्यते प्रभुः ।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥
An imbecile is celebrated in his own home; a lord is respected in his own town; the king is worshiped in his own country; a learned man is honored everywhere.
वरमेको गुणी पुत्रो न च मूर्खशतान्यपि ।
एकश्चन्द्रस्तमो हन्ति न च तारगणोऽपिच ॥
One good and noble son is better than a hundred fool sons. Only one moon lights the sky, where as thousand stars do not. Similarly one noble son brings fame and respect to family than hundred fools.
मित्रस्य मा चक्षुषा सर्वाणि भूतानि समीक्षन्ताम् ।
मित्रस्याहं चक्षुषा सर्वाणि भूतानि समीक्षे
मित्रस्य चक्षुषा समीक्षामहे ॥
Let the world see me with the same. Let every body in the world see each other likewise.Let me see every creature in this world with a friendly eye.
अग्निहोत्रं गृहं क्षेत्रं गर्भिणीं वृद्धबालकौ।
रिक्तहस्तेन नोपेयाद् राजानं देवतां गुरुम्॥
One should not come empty-handed near the holy fire, a house, a field, a pregnant woman, an old man, a child, a sovereign, a deity and a guru.
अदृष्टपूर्वा बहव: सहाया: सर्वे पदस्थस्य भवन्ति वश्या: ।
अर्थाद्विहीनस्य पदच्युतस्य भवन्ति काले स्वजनोऽपि शत्रु: ॥
When a man is powerful and prosperous, friends gather around him and (come to him) from all directions; (but) if he is out of office and (lost his) fortune, they turn their backs on him, as foes in time of calamity.
दानं भोगो नाशस्तिस्रो गतयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य ।
यो न ददाति न भुङ्क्ते तस्य तृतीया गतिर्भवति ॥ - पञ्चतन्त्र, मित्रसम्प्राप्ति
Charity, indulgence and destruction are the 3 alternatives to wealth. One which is not given in charity or used for self-enjoyment, that (wealth) will attain the 3rd state.
न चौरहार्यम् न च राजहार्यम् न भ्रातृभाजम् न च भारकारि ।
व्यये कृते वर्धते नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम् ॥ - चाणक्य नीति
Neither the thief can steal it, nor can the king take it
Neither divided amongst brothers, nor too heavy to carry
The more you offer it others, the more it increases
Knowledge is the supreme form of wealth.
न निर्मितः केन न दृष्टपूर्वः न श्रूयते हेममयः कुरङ्गः ।
तथापि तृष्णा रघुनन्दनस्य विनाशकाले विपरीतबुद्धिः ॥
Neither has one made golden deer nor has anyone seen a golden deer. Even though, Ram desired to get the golden deer. In the time of destruction the intelligence goes opposite.
न मांसभक्षणे दोषो न मद्ये न च मैथुने ।
प्रवृत्तिरेषा भूतानां निवृत्तिस्तु महाफला ॥ मनुस्मृति
It is not a sin to eat non-veg food, not a sin to drink alcohol and not a sin to make love. These are only natural to all beings. If one can abstain from all these, then one can achieve great results.
धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः ।
तस्माद्धर्मो न हन्तव्यः मानो धर्मो हतोवाधीत् ॥
- मनुस्मृति
Dharma destroys those who destroy the dharma by going against it. Dharma protects the person who protects it. Hence, dharma should not be destroyed but protected. Dharma that is destroyed, destroys.काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् ।
व्यसनेन च मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा ॥
A intelligent ('buddhiman') man spends his time in the research and studies of literature ('Kaavya') and philosophy ('Shastras' like Veda Shastra, dharma shastra etc.). Or in other words the said subjects are means of his entertainment (He gets satisfaction due to the studies of 'kaavya' and philosophy). In contrast a unintelligent ('Murkha') man gets satisfaction in bad habits like sleep (Laziness), quarrel or some type of addiction. Tatparya (Conclusion): In this subhaashita the subhaashitkar has in short advised the reader that how should one spend his/her time!! May be according to him a 'buddhiman' is a person who invests his time in order to get some thing 'valuable' and long lasting!!
नरत्वं दुर्लभं लोके विद्या तत्र सुदुर्लभा।
शीलं च दुर्लभं तत्र विनयस्तत्र सुदुर्लभः॥
In this world, to take birth in the human race is rare, wherein to obtain knowledge and wisdom is even harder. Further to have a noble character is harder and further still is modesty.
शीलं च दुर्लभं तत्र विनयस्तत्र सुदुर्लभः॥
In this world, to take birth in the human race is rare, wherein to obtain knowledge and wisdom is even harder. Further to have a noble character is harder and further still is modesty.
कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
एक टिप्पणी भेजें