गुरुवार, 5 सितंबर 2013


व्यसने मित्रपरीक्षा शूरपरीक्षा रणाङ्गणे भवति |
विनये भॄत्यपरीक्षा दानपरीक्षाच दुर्भिक्षे ||

Friendship of a friend is tested in our bad times, the warrior's heroism is tested in a war, a servant's test lies in his good attitude towards the owner and a donor's test is at the time of drought.

कर्तव्यम् आचरं कामम् अकर्तव्यम् अनाचरम् |
तिष्ठति प्राकॄताचारो य स: आर्य इति स्मॄत: ||
A person who does the things which are to be done and who doesn't do the things which are not to be done; a person who sticks to rational behaviour (or behaves rationally), is called "Arya".

नमन्ति फलिनो वॄक्षा नमन्ति गुणिनो जना: |
शुष्ककाष्ठश्च मूर्खश्च न नमन्ति कदाचन ||
The branches of a tree with full of fruits bend towards the earth (Due to the weight of the fruits). In the same way good people are also modest ('namra') towards the other people. But the unwise people ('murkha') are like a dry stick which never bends (They do not show respect for others).

लालयेत् पंच वर्षाणि दश वर्षाणि ताडयेत् |
प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रे मित्रवदाचरेत् ||
First line - Till the son is five years old one should pamper him. When he crosses five till he becomes 10 he should be spanked. (Tadayet means to spank) in reality those are the years when one needs to discipline him. Line -2 However, when he turns 16, he should be treated like a friend. ( Means he should feel that he is grown up and his opinion matters, which can happen when he is treated like a friend.)

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