गुरुवार, 5 सितंबर 2013


संस्कृत सुभाषित 

सप्त दोषा सदा राजन् हातव्या व्यसनोदयाः
प्रायशो यैर्विनश्यन्ति कृतमूला अपीश्वराः।
स्त्रियोऽक्षाः मृगया पानं वाक्पारुष्यं च पंचमं
महच्च दण्डपारुष्यं अर्थदूषणमेव च ॥

The following seven bad habits will lead to the downfall of even a well-established king. Women, gambling, hunting, intoxicating drinks, use of harsh words, inflicting very harsh punishment for minor offences and misuse of the treasury.

षट् दोषा: पुरुषेणेह हातव्याः भूतिमिच्छता ।
निद्रा तन्द्रा भयं क्रोधः आलस्यं दीर्घसूत्रिता ॥

One who desires to be prosperous and happy should give up these six faults , namely, excessive sleep, sluggishness, fear, anger, laziness and procrastination in decision-making.
अष्टा गुणा: पुरुषं दीपयन्ति
प्रज्ञा च कौल्यं च दमः श्रुतश्च ।
पराक्रमश्चाबहुभाषिता च
दानं यथाशक्ति कृतज्ञता च ॥
Intelligence, noble birth, control of the senses, learning, valour, control on speech (not being talkative), giving to others according to one’s capacity and gratefulness – these eight qualities adorn a person.

द्वे कर्मणी नरः कुर्वन्नस्मिंल्लोके विरोचते।
अब्रुवं परुषं कश्चित् असतोऽनर्चयंस्तथा ॥

By doing two things, namely, not speaking harsh words and not flattering or giving respect to bad characters, one would shine in this world.

क्षिपत्यन्यान् हि दोषेण वर्तमान स्वयम् तथा।
यश्च क्रुद्धत्यनीशानः स च मूढतमो नरः॥

That one is the greatest fool who finds fault with others when he himself has such faults and who gets angry when he himself has no control over the one at whom the anger is directed.

सर्प दुर्जनयोर्मध्ये वरं सर्पो न दुर्जनः 
सर्पं दंशति कालेन दुर्जनस्तु पदे पदे.
If one has to choose between a snake and a mischievous person, better choose a snake, because a snake bites occasionally (only on being provoked) whereas a mischievous person harms every now and then (even without provocation).

प्रत्यक्ष कवि काव्यं च रूपं च कुलयोषितः
गृहवैद्यस्य विद्या न कस्मैचित्यति रोचते .
The poetry of a contemporary and easily available poet, the beauty of one's own wife, and the family doctor's expertise in treating diseases, is hardly ever appreciated and liked by people.

विद्वानेन विजानाति विद्द्वज्ज्न्परिश्रमम् .
न हि बन्ध्या विजानाति गुर्वी प्रसववेदनाम्.
Only a learned persons knows how much effort a person has to make to become a learned person. So also a barren woman does not know how much pain a pregnant woman has to bear during child-birth.

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